How to reset my password

Follow the step by step below to reset your password. You will need to verify your email and also mobile phone.

  1. On the login page, click Forgot your password link

  2. Enter your email address and then click Send Verification code. The system will send verification email, so please login to your email.

  3. You will receive email like below, please copy the verification code.

  4. Enter the verification code in the Verification Code box and then click 'Verify Code'. If you misplaced the email, you can click Send New Code

  5. Once the code is verified, you will receive the feedback that Email address is verified. Click Continue to proceed to the next step

  6. On the multifactor authentication page, click Send Code or Call Me button. This will send verification SMS or call you on your mobile phone.

  7. If you choose the “Send Code” option, you will receive SMS like below. The SMS will comes from msverify and it will clearly states that the code is for Ramsay Portal authentication.

  8. Enter the code in Verification Code box then click Verify Code. You will be redirected into new password screen.

  9. Enter your new password and confirm your new password, then click Continue

  10. Once password has successfully been updated, you will be automatically logged in.